What’s happening?

Click on any highlighted calendar dates for more information! 


This week´s special


Thursdays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Wee Readers

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10 – 11 am

Stories, songs, and nursery rhymes for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and their parents, grandparents, and caregivers. The circle times is 30 minutes (10:15-10:45), and families are welcome to stay after for Duplo and puzzles.

Please contact us for more information or with any questions.

Leaders for Readers

Saturdays from 11 am – 12 pm
Current Session: Jan. 12 - Mar. 2, 2019

Leaders for Readers is a shared reading program that connects high school teens with emergent readers in primary grades. The teens are trained to use effective techniques and great literature in a series of one hour sessions to inspire their young friends while earning volunteer hours necessary for graduation. Teen volunteers (Leaders) should send a cover letter and resume to jane@thestorygarden.ca.

Please contact us for more information or with any questions.

Jr. Bookworms Club

thursdays from 6:30- 7:30 pm

A book club for kids in grades 4 and up that meets weekly to discuss chapter books. This program runs while the younger kids and their parents/caregivers participate in Storytime Stop. Led by The Story Garden's Ms. Kathryn and Mr. Haider from the Sheridan Library. 

Please contact us for more information or with any questions.

Story Keepers

Wednesdays from 1 – 5 pm

Your story matters! We want to help you tell it with photos and journaling, in scrapbooks or digitally. It can be as simple or as crafty as you like. Not sure how? Our faithful leader Eileen will be there to help. You're welcome to use our tools and supplies to get started. Beginners, seasoned scrappers, and all levels in between are welcome. Come share your stories with us.

Please contact us for more information or with any questions.

Story Seeds & Sprouts

Next session: TBD

Parent Seminars

Next session: TBD

Upcoming Events