Story Garden buzzing with teens & readers
A few weeks ago, we put the word out to area high schools that we were looking for energetic teenagers who wanted to share their love of reading with children. We could not believe the response! The Story Garden was buzzing this past Saturday with over 50 teens and readers! (NOTE: If you would like your Gr. 1/2 child to be involved, there is still time to register. Click here for details.)
Once readers are paired with their leaders, the team spends some time getting to know each other. They find out about each other’s favourite things, background and special details like the meanings of their names.
We LOVE seeing so many readers in our Garden!
Getting to know each other.
Leaders in training.
As we mentioned, the response from our teenagers was amazing, and we had several new students that started with us this week. Here they are meeting with Jane for their training, learning all about the program and how they will be helping their readers.
Hagar and Mariam.
Mariam was one of our young readers who was very apprehensive about leaving her mom. We were not sure if we were going to be able to convince her to stay as she was becoming very upset. Hagar noticed this and, entirely on her own initiative, walked over and quietly started speaking to Mariam in her first language of Arabic. Mariam started to calm down as Hagar told her that everything was just fine, and that she could help her with anything she needed. Hagar then took out a picture book and began reading to Mariam while Mom looked on. We could not be more thrilled with the sensitivity, maturity and leadership shown by our teens. We have an amazing group and we can’t wait to see what the next 8 weeks will bring!
Stay tuned next Saturday when we introduce our Poem of the Week!