Fearless Readers
“Growing up is scary! There’s school, there’s tests, there’s telling time with clocks that have the hands! There’s tying your shoes and … there’s kilograms … and kilomograms!” ~ Kid President
That is a quote from one of my new personal heroes, Kid President. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Being a kid is hard work! Being a kid can be scary! There’s a lot that our small friends have to navigate and figure out. When reading is also one of those things, it can make the world that much more intimidating.
This week we’re celebrating our readers who are fearless. Readers who look their challenges in the eye and say “Bring it on!” Without a bit of fearlessness we would never take the risks we need to take in order to try new things and learn new skills.
Nothing like cuddling up with a good book to make the world seem a little less scary! Muznah shares one of her favourites with her Reader, Zoha.
Hammad tackles a new book with the help of his Leader, Toota.
Working on a puzzle can be a great way to develop oral language skills. Here Musa shows his leader Fahim how it’s done!
Here’s another fearless reader! When Yasmin first came to join us, she was very shy, very quiet and anxious about leaving her mom. However, with the caring encouragement of her leader Robyn, Yasmin has really come out of her shell! She has been working hard to learn her poem and we were so thrilled when she wanted to read it for the whole group all by herself!
Finally, in a celebration of not being frightened, here is, in order of appearance, Marwa, Clarissa, Yousif, Ronke, Catrina, Yousif (again!), Damola and Sandeep! They did a fantastic job reading our poem of the week, Maya Angelou’s Life Doesn’t Frighten Me At All.
We’re so proud of our fearless readers and how far they’ve come. We’re very much looking forward to our Celebration on Saturday, June 8th when our readers will be able to show off their skills to their friends, parents and leaders!