Go Team!
There is something really amazing about having someone in your life who believes in you. At Leaders for Readers we have watched our young readers blossom over the past few weeks. They are reading challenging books out loud, performing poetry and speaking confidently in front of their peers. There are many programs that can help your child learn to read, but at Leaders for Readers we feel we that go a step beyond. Our readers grow because they have someone on their team, cheering them on every step of the way.
This week, we’re profiling some of our amazing teams and showing you what they have been reading together.
Mohammed just joined us this past Saturday and he has not even begun school yet. That didn’t stop him from getting up and telling everyone how much he enjoyed reading about Charlie and Lola with his leader, Faran Gez.
Dru, Kacie and Marco love reading together as a team!
Marwa shows off one of her favourite books to read to her leader, Kate.
Nicolas and Ethan make a great team. They love reading about hockey, and this week they were learning about earthquakes.
Tyann has done a wonderful job encouraging Fatema to come out of her shell. When she first joined us, she stayed very, very quiet but last week she spoke in front of the whole group!
We’ve also captured some video of our incredible teams. Here is Alisa Rose reading Shel Silverstein’s How Many, How Much with the help of her leader, Natalie.
How many slams in an old screen door?
Depends how loud you shut it.
How many slices in a bread?
Depends how thin you cut it.
How much good inside a day?
Depends how good you live ’em.
How much love inside a friend?
Depends how much you give ’em.
Clarissa is reading the Poem of the Week, If You Were A Rhinoceros by Jack Prelutsky while her leader, Laura lends her support from “stage left”.
If you were a rhinoceros,
I still would be your friend.
And if you were a platypus,
our friendship would not end.
I’d like you as a walrus,
camel, cat or kangaroo.
It doesn’t matter what you are –
I’ll still be friends with you.
Check back next week when we report on the Poem of the Week, Life Doesn’t Frighten Me by Maya Angelou.