Tell me what you read today!
Leaders for Readers just wrapped up its fourth week, and we could not be more excited about how much everyone is learning and growing. One of the greatest parts of the program has been the last 5-10 minutes when we all come together as a large group and we get the chance to share what we read that day.
What a great group we have gathering every Saturday morning at The Story Garden!
We have had readers volunteer to read a poem, talk about their favourite picture book or even demonstrate a team cheer! Jane and I are delighted when the children who were so shy in the beginning feel comfortable enough to stand up and speak in front of over fifty of their peers and leaders. Oral language development is an important part of what we do. Children in the program are not only learning to read, but they are learning to communicate their own ideas in a place where those ideas are valued!
Catrina was excited to read "I am a noted liar" by Jack Prelutsky.
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson is a favourite at Leaders for Readers and is almost always mentioned during sharing time.
Nothing is more amazing than seeing kids get excited about reading. We just can’t wait to see what our awesome leaders and readers are going to come up with next!